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How to Subscribe to iWASEL VPN Service Using Western Union

Aug. 31, 2015, 10:56 a.m.

Paying via Western Union is only available for one-year subscriptions. Subscribe for one year and enjoy the highest discount, up to 25%.

The price of one-year subscription is 95$, including transfer fees.

Registering in iWASEL:

In order to be able to use iWASELservice without interruption, first of all you must register by clicking on this link:

Please note the following when registering:  

Enter your name in English and without spaces.

Do not enter any signs in the phone number field (digits only).

Make sure that you've entered the correct e-mail address in order to receive the activation link.

In case you didn't receive the activation e-mail, please e-mail us using the same e-mail used for registration at [email protected].

Once you receive the registration e-mail, click on the link attached in order to activate your account.

Go to the nearest Western Union branch and send money transfer of 95$, including transfer fees, to the following recipient:

First Name: Nahla

Last Name: Moharam

City: Alexandria

Zip: 21321

Country: Egypt

After the transfer is done login to your account on iWASEL.

Select the One Year plan.

Click on the Western Union button.

You'll be redirected to a page wherein you fill the fields in the picture then click "Submit".

Once the transfer is confirmed, your account will be activated.

In case you have a problem or an inquiry, please contact our technical support team 24/7.